Top 10 Strains - LA’s Best Marijuana, Sept 2019 (Part 1)
  • 4 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2019-09-20 02:44:44
  • OG Mackmizzle323

    Keep posting. I’m a strain hunter too, trying to smoke the best strains Cali has to offer

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    This job is to big for one person.
    My list is the best I know of..
    anyone who follows it is sure to get much better buds than picking blind. After trying thousands of flowers, and only finding a few that can grin me out.
    With that said, I’m looking for new flowers with the best something something and tips have been really helpful. Enjoy the top 30 list.
    It’s was a joy to create and share..
    Party On..
    The Dr

  • Blebo

    I love watching these even though weed isn’t legal in my state

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Eventually we can all have access as states prescription increases..
    It’s coming..

  • Nicholas Cherry

    What's so great about pot is that every hit affects everybody differently. That Mac1 really looks delicious

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Yes that’s true.. the flowers I’m picking are very strong with my favorites having a clear thinking euphoric feeling and smile effect..
    The more smile the higher the score.
    These flowers are hard to find. The videos are helpful and you have a much better chance of getting the 🔥 🔥🔥than just picking blind..
    Grab IOG MAC 1. You will get it..
    Party on Nick,, Happy Sat..

  • Lion Infamous

    Stone u to the bone 😂 good one!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Lion Infamous,
    I’m glad you like the video.
    It’s so helpful to compare notes and I really spent time to get this right..
    Party on my friend,
    The Dr

  • O C

    Jungle boys Mac is very similar to the IOG but got to admit, IOG definitely wins top flower 👌🏻 had it over in the U.K. 🇬🇧

2 reply
  • O C

    Weed Entertainment yeah we get all sorts bro everybody is loving the zushi at the min by team 10

  • Weed Entertainment

    Your getting very good flower if you can get IOG MAC 1. It’s the best of LA..
    IMHO Jungle Boys MAC was just Ok..
    other Jungle Boys strains were better then the MAC..

  • OG Mackmizzle323

    Where did u get that Mac 1. I only had it from capulator LA Made at tic and at their spot when they had it opened next to the Coca Cola building in downtown la.

2 reply
  • Fibonacci

    that capulator cut is insane man, loved it and hope to find more

  • Weed Entertainment

    Check Cookies Dispensary on Melrose in Hollywood. You can go online and reserve the flower and just pick it up. It’s much better than running with the bulls to try and catch a new strain launch that’s been hyped but not all that... IOG (Indoor Organic Gardens) has great strains with MAC one getting the number one spot of all flowers. This is not just my comment, I bought an OZ plus and gave each 8th to try to other insiders and thecomments all came back one of the best strains I have tried. It’s so hard to find that...
    It’s not the best flower I have had but it’s the best I can buy now. This has been a very good summer for flowers..
    Party on.. keep the tips coming..
    The Dr

  • Lion Infamous

    Been smokin billy kimber and gary payton for a couple days now and i think gary payton wins

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Lion Infamous,
    Gary Payton higher on my list too.
    Gary Payton is the best Cookies strain and one of the best flowers in LA.
    👍🔥😎🍕, The Dr

  • John Don

    Have you tried han solo burger from high grade farms?

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Thanks for the heads up.
    Did you see this strain in LA?
    Have you tried Han Solo burger from grade farms?

  • ItsOnLy DiRt

    Long Live Neighborhood!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Party on Love Live Dirt...
